We are so pleased to be launching our new Wave of Change Programme! We have secured new funding from the UK Shared Prosperity fund, linking in with Stockport town of Culture work. This will be the 8th Wave of Change programme we are running in collaboration with Simone from the Goodness Collective. The programme first launched in March 2020 and has supported over 130 Stockport women! You may remember reading about our Wave of Change celebration event when we completed the 7th programme back in June 2022!

This is a slightly reworked version of our programme and will see us working with 20 women for an extended period of time, with a bigger focus on social action projects and volunteering. We start on Tuesday 17th October, with weekly sessions taking place every Tuesday 10-1pm during term time until early March. The majority of the sessions will take place at Stockport Library - with almost all sessions being based in central Stockport to ensure it is easily accessible for all Stockport residents.
Simone from The Goodness Collective says “I’m super excited to be able to partner with PIE again on this project. The flexibility of the funding means we can reach into even more communities to support women who we haven’t been able to connect to the programme due to funding restrictions. We have seen how impactful having support, connections, advice and building a peer network can be for so many women and that includes us! It’s always a frenzy recruiting and then we end up being over subscribed so my advice to any women watching on the side lines is ‘just go for it’. You have little to lose and an awful lot to gain. I for one can’t wait!”
Here’s a taste of what we will be doing: Some of our session titles are ‘Face your Fears and Do it anyway’, ‘Self Care and becoming a Priority’, and ‘Overcoming Limiting Beliefs’. We will be covering personal development & connecting to creativity alongside our core focus on social action and volunteering. Some of the skills we will be learning and practising will include Digital skills, event planning, and successful volunteering. During the programme we will also have the chance to visit and introduce women to a variety of cultural spaces and venues across Stockport - as well as taking part in cultural and creative activities there. As well as the in-person sessions, all women will have access to monthly mentoring sessions with one of the team.
We’ll be bringing in local trusted partners to provide variety and a range of additional connections. We try to keep as much of our funding in the locality as possible. The Wave creates lasting ripples to our women, to our community and to the local economy too!
Beth said, "We are thrilled to be able to run another Wave of Change programme to help support women in Stockport! Having the opportunity to link in with all of the other amazing activities that are going on in Stockport to celebrate the town of culture makes it an even more exciting programme that will hopefully help to empower, inspire and support 20 more Stockport women to ride the wave to their next stepping stone!"
We still have a limited number of spaces available! So please get in touch if you’re interested: https://forms.gle/yw86jU92ZGkoGLKY9
