We are half way through our Summer HAF Programme! The Holiday Activities and Food Programme is the Department for Education's funding, aiming to offer young people the chance to attend activities and get a free lunch during the summer holidays. It is running for four weeks and we have just hit the two week mark!
Here at PIE, we are running two Stockport based HAF programmes in collaboration with Start Point Coffee Shop - one in Woodley and one in Marple. The Woodley programme includes different activities each day: cooking, a milkshake club, guitar lessons and games on the green. The Marple group is a daily session with lots of games, challenges and activities - we are also going to be looking into completing some social action and community projects before we finish our four week stint. Along with activities each day, students are provided with lunch - and on a Thursday they even get a chippy!
Our favourite activities so far have included playing parachute games, scavenger hunts, building obstacle course challenges and skipping challenges.
So far we have welcomed over 40 young people to the sessions - and we still have two weeks left to go! There are still spaces available so please get in touch with Beth (beth@pieuk.org) or Gemma (gem.piper@live.co.uk) for information about the Marple project, or Dan (dan@startpoint.org.uk) to sign up for Woodley sessions.